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Skillset, topics, projects and virtual internships for DS

This post is for those who are beginner and do not have any idea about topics that they need as a beginner DATA SCIENCE/ DATA ANALYST.  I am also facing the same problem before a year ago and till date I have some relevant knowledge about data science and also have some projects.  People are saying the we need so many skills like Mathematics, Programming language, some cloud concepts too. Actually they are right. Being a Data Scientist is not like being a web developer or a front-end developer that have limited skill set.  In this post I will tell you the exact topics that you need to learn at beginner level. MATHEMATICS Descriptive Statistics, distributions, hypothesis testing and regression analysis. Bayesian Thinking, conditional probability, priors, maximum likely hood. Vectors and matrices Matrices operations Eigenvalues and eigenvectors Linear and non linear functions Multivariable calculus  PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE(Python or R)    Data types, String operations, Expressions and varia

Knapsack & Backtracking | Design & Analysis of Algorithms | post 2

Some important applications of dynamic programming.

0/1 knapsack problem-

In this problem , knapsack is just like a bag and we have to fill items in this bag by making sure two things -
1) Value of the bag should be maximum.
2) Wight of the bag should be minimum. 

" In numerical problems, weight is given in numeric form so be sure that the weight of knapscak should not be exceeded from given Total weight. "

Differences between knapsack and 0/1 knapsack problem is that we can split items in parts for the first one but we cant split item in 0/1 knapsack problem. 0 stands for item is not picked and 1 stands for item is picked inside the knapsack.

This is a formula for putting item in knapsack with values -

Max { ([i].value with given weight + j-n) , [i-1].value from knapsack table) }

Where ,
           i = row number in knapsack table
           j = values in columns of knapsack table
          n = number of backward steps to the      knapsack table( column wise)


Total weight = 7 
 Set of weights are given = { 1, 3, 4, 5 }
 Set of values respective wts = { 3, 4, 7, 9 }

 So you have to fill all the items in knapsack like that the weight should be minimum and the value of knapsack should be maximum.

Backtracking -

It is used to solve a problem in which a sequence of objects is chosen from a specified set so that sequence satisfy some criteria.

When is it used ?

1. Difference choices are given and from these choices we have to select a decision.
2. When a sufficient information is not avialable on best choice.
3. Each decision leads to new set of choices.
4. Some sequences of choices may be the solution.

How is it performed ?

Backtracking is a systematic method of trying out various sequences of decisions until you find out that works (solution).

Block diagram (Backtracking) -

There are two type of constraints in Backtracking.

1. Implicit - means how each element in tuple should be related.

2. Explicit - means rules which are restricted choosen from a given set.

Applications of Backtracking -

1. N queens problem
2. Sum of subsets
3. Graph colouring
4. Hemiltonian problem

These all applications are dictate in further posts.

If have any queries, just drop a comment or feel free to connect at -

Thanking you.


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