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Skillset, topics, projects and virtual internships for DS

This post is for those who are beginner and do not have any idea about topics that they need as a beginner DATA SCIENCE/ DATA ANALYST.  I am also facing the same problem before a year ago and till date I have some relevant knowledge about data science and also have some projects.  People are saying the we need so many skills like Mathematics, Programming language, some cloud concepts too. Actually they are right. Being a Data Scientist is not like being a web developer or a front-end developer that have limited skill set.  In this post I will tell you the exact topics that you need to learn at beginner level. MATHEMATICS Descriptive Statistics, distributions, hypothesis testing and regression analysis. Bayesian Thinking, conditional probability, priors, maximum likely hood. Vectors and matrices Matrices operations Eigenvalues and eigenvectors Linear and non linear functions Multivariable calculus  PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE(Python or R)    Data types, String operations, Expressions and varia

Starting with Machine learning | Introduction | Post 1

In this series of articles, we are to going to have basic understanding of machine learning. We will start from introduction then we will move forward towards the types of machine learning. After then we will go in depth in every topic in easiest way.

We will also discuss some tools for implementing the ideas behind concepts.


In this time ,there are several terms that we hear in our daily life i.e; AI , ML, DEEP LEARNING and so on..
Some person says that these terms are totally different but some where they are related to each other. Machine learning and deep learning is the subset of AI that is nothing but Artificial Intelligence.

We involve with Machine Learning in our daily life . Let's take some examples..  Whenever we type or search something in google or bing then google or bing search engines use machine learning algorithms to rank up the websites.
Whenever you see some tags (typically with square shape ) on you and your friends face in the pictures that save in phone or post on social media, it is also done by machine learning.
There are number of activities in daily life like using google map, using any e commerce website,scrolling instagram or using Netflix and so on....we involve with machine learning.

It is the picture showing facial recognition of several persons, done by machine learning algorithm.


According to Arthur Samuel(1959):

"Machine learning is the filed of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed."

According to Tom Mitchell(1998):

"Well-posed learning, A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P, if it's performance on T, as measured by P, improves with experience E."

there are numbers of definition given by the different authors but above mentioned definition are well known and standard.


have you ever wonder why amazon always show products that you frequently searched, how our email system automatically put some number of mails in side spam folder which are not very useful to every person has different google feed inside their phones...

Well it all are caused by MACHINE LEARNING algorithms.

I hope that now you have basic understanding of what machine learning exactly is...

Thank You.

If you have any doubt, feel free to drop comment or connect-


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