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Skillset, topics, projects and virtual internships for DS

This post is for those who are beginner and do not have any idea about topics that they need as a beginner DATA SCIENCE/ DATA ANALYST.  I am also facing the same problem before a year ago and till date I have some relevant knowledge about data science and also have some projects.  People are saying the we need so many skills like Mathematics, Programming language, some cloud concepts too. Actually they are right. Being a Data Scientist is not like being a web developer or a front-end developer that have limited skill set.  In this post I will tell you the exact topics that you need to learn at beginner level. MATHEMATICS Descriptive Statistics, distributions, hypothesis testing and regression analysis. Bayesian Thinking, conditional probability, priors, maximum likely hood. Vectors and matrices Matrices operations Eigenvalues and eigenvectors Linear and non linear functions Multivariable calculus  PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE(Python or R)    Data types, String operations, Expressions and varia

Computer Graphics in Artificial Intelligence | Image Processing and Computer Vision

If we look back, when there was only CLI( command line interface), number of computer users are less beacuse working in command line was quite typical. 

Then Microsoft released Microsoft Windows and working on computer become very easier due to graphical user interface. Things became quite easier and people can perform any operation by just pointing specifics places, like work on specific applications etc.

That is about the beginning of GUI and from there, a new term came out and it was Computer Graphics. 

Till today, there are number of Applications of Computer Graphics in various fields.

1. Medical field
2. Analytics and Visualization 
3. Gaming 
4. Artificial Intelligence (image proccesing and computer Vision)
5. Movies 

And so on..

AI is the technology of present and future as well. Let's take a deep look, how computer graphics are useful in AI.
Two terms are there i.e; image processing and Computer vision.

Computer vision

It is the field of AI that trains computer to interpret and understand tha visual (graphical worlds).

Eg. Facial recognition, object detection etc.
These two procces can work in static as well as in real time.

Image processing

Process of performing some operations on an digital image is know as image processing. Operations like enhanced version of a given image, extracting some useful information, re - coloring of a given image etc.

Do you know, there is website "thispersondoesnotexist" has the million faces and all faces are totally artificial and generated by Image Processing. 

Working of a Image Processing Model -

1. working on any image is totally based on working with pixels and vertices.
2. We need GPUs for this. GPUs has the number of precessing cores. 
3. Some cores work with vertices and processing on vertices is done by using Co - ordinate systems.
4. Working on pixels take more Computation as the compare of vertices.

Thank You for reading. 


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